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What Is Responsive Web Design and Why You Need It

What Is Responsive Web Design and Why You Need It

May 24, 2022

First off, we will start with a simple answer – a responsive web design is one that will display a website on a range of devices and will adapt the content to each device. A mobile-friendly website can be opened on your smartphone or a tablet, but it will be displayed like the computer website, the only difference is that you will have to pinch and zoom to move around.

That is frustrating. And when website visitors are frustrated, they quickly hit the “back” button, attempt visiting another site, and in doing so – increase the bounce rate. Responsive website design makes sure that all pages are optimized for all devices, and that content is displayed in a manner that allows the visitor to consume it without pinching, zooming or squinting.

Why is Responsive Website so Important?

In the past years, the content consummation has changed, and people started spending more time on their smartphones than ever before. That trend is still on the rise – according to website traffic.

People use mobile phones to perform various tasks, including shopping on the go. Half of the world’s online shopping is now done on smartphones, so eCommerce businesses should invest in responsive website design.

Google Loves Responsive Web Design

Your responsiveness is directly affecting your rankings, and we all know how important these are. More than 94% of people claim that they don’t trust a business if their website is poorly designed and doesn’t display correctly on their devices. If people don’t like it, they will exit your site and Google will take that bounce rate into account.

Google indicated that responsiveness is a ranking factor and responsive websites that optimize for all sorts of devices will be positioned higher on search results – even if the search was performed on a desktop. It’s important to find a web design team that will know how to build a beautiful website that will follow all the guidelines.

Customers Care about Responsive Design

Poorly designed websites have low metrics when it comes to time spent on the site, pages opened per session, percentage of new and old visitors, lower sales, and many more drawbacks. Users form an opinion about your website in less than a second! Beautifully designed website designed per SEO requirements, and following the User Experience and User Interface guidelines can make or break your business.

Responsively designed websites load faster. Website speed plays a vital role in customer satisfaction. The slower your website loads, the larger your bounce rate will be. Speed can severely hurt your rankings. People will leave the website unhappy, and every visitor that abandons your site because of the poor design is a lost potential customer.

As you can see, designing a responsive website that will follow good practices is essential for your business. It directly affects your customers, increases leads that translate to sales and makes sure you position on search engines. Feel free to browse our web design portfolio, or contact us if you need help building a genuinely responsive website.

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