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The Latest Trends in Digital Marketing

The Latest Trends in Digital Marketing

Oct 18, 2022

These days, it seems like almost everyone is in digital marketing. However, not all marketers are successful. In 2023, we are already witnessing a significant shift in the digital marketing landscape, and keeping up with the latest trends is essential for every business.

Let’s list some of the most important digital marketing trends no business should ignore:

Artificial Intelligence is Going Strong

Did you know that by 2023, according to experts, more than 85 percent of customers will require absolutely no human intervention to get the information they need?

Nowadays, understanding the role artificial intelligence plays in digital marketing is essential. Al can analyze search patterns, as well as consumer behavior through data collected from social media platforms and blog posts. Combining of these analyses with behavioral marketing brings remarkable results for marketers.

No data in this world is more insightful than when buyers themselves let you know what they want through the actions they take.

The Rise of B2B Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing has been on the rise for the past few years, and all kinds of businesses from various industries are starting to take notice. According to, businesses generate $6.50 for every $1 invested in influencer marketing. It was already going through the roof in 2017, and in 2018, it’s taking the lead in marketing strategies.

Clothing and beauty brands are experiencing remarkable success by using micro influencers as well as major celebrities for their marketing efforts across social media. However, businesses like Amazon are starting to tap into this strategy too. Amazon, in particular, has added a self-service tool for social media influencers to its Influencer program.

Personalized Content

Personalized content is another trend that’s going strong in 2018. Nothing helps digital marketers provide customers with what they want, as does customized content. You need to focus on gathering information about your customers’ choices and preferences to create personalized content that brings a unique experience and drives conversion.

The “one size fits all” marketing strategy is outdated because ‘getting personal’ brings far better results. It’s relatively easy to create outstanding personalized content today because businesses have access to crucial data such as customer behavior, links clicked, and purchase history.

Twitter Starts Falling as LinkedIn Rises

Unlike other social media that are seeing steady growth, Twitter hasn’t grown its user base in 2017. The platform has recently tried to revive its reach by changing its traditional 140-character word count and expanding it to 280 characters, but the results of this change are not promising. Some Twitter users are troubled by the change because they believe the word count was a significant differentiator for the platform. Having to use under 140 characters forced brands to be succinct and precise in their posts, which was challenging but fun. Now, the platform resembles other platforms in how many characters it allows, and it suffers for it.

Marketers are investing in other platforms to reach their audiences while Twitter continues to fall.

Meanwhile, LinkedIn made many improvements to its advertising platform last year. They also presented a refreshed user interface with plenty of new opportunities for B2B and B2C brands.

Marketing is becoming much broader and more analytical than before, entering new situations, mediums, and platforms. It will continue to focus on organic search, influencer-based campaigns, and improved AI capabilities.

Contact our marketing experts if you want to take digital marketing to the next level.

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